A L E X A N D R E V I E R O is Master in Architecture program of the consortium UNIRITTER / MACKENZIE (2015), is an Architect and urban planner graduated from UNISINOS (2005). It is also expert in furniture design and interior by the consortium UCS / UNIVERSITA DI PORDENONE - Brazil and Italy (2007). He serves as Director of VIERO architecture and design since 2005, which develops residential and commercial projects for private clients. In the institutional sector he worked as a technical advisor in CASA & CIA Notebook, journal ZERO HOUR (2011/2012) and as architectural Curator for CASA COR RS (2014). Participates as exhibitor since 2009 in the Exhibition CASA COR RS. In 2014 he received the Award CASA COR RS / Hunter Douglas, as a highlight. In the academic field has been active since 2012, where he teaches the university extension courses Interior Contemporary: Architecture and design, currently in South ESPM and UNILASSALE. He is also research group member Habitar Modern and Contemporary, led by Prof. Dra. Marta Silveira Peixoto in UNIRITTER/LAUREATE.
V I E R O A R Q U I T E T U R A is focused on the architecture segment for residential and corporate areas and believes in the differentiation of an architectural project linked to the design. VIERO architecture works with the space of architecture and its relations with the live, playing this space from its internal reality, which is the closest dimension to the user: the inhabitant of the place. As important as the external form and urban relations is the internal form of architecture. The projects VIERO architecture are based on custom situations and solutions in materials research, optimizing costs and technology, making each unique, bold and dynamic work. Over the years the firm has developed working partnerships and professional relationship with the Italian studio MODE interni -. Italy (since 2007), with SILVIA office BENEDETTI associated architects (since 2003), with the architect and designer Dr. CAROLINA BUSTOS RAFFAINER (from 2005) and the design maena connects (since 2010) as a way of constant updating and mutual collaboration for the various architectural demands.